Changelog - Version 1.13.0 - May 30th 2019¶
Oh hi there!
It’s been a while since the last release (once again 😅). But I hope you’ll be excited to hear what’s new in this latest release of ESPHome: 1.13.0!
First of all, as you can see in the table above, a ton of new components have been added. Some to highlight are:
Cover Updates: Covers now support setting arbitrary position (and the new time-based and endstop covers make full use of it).
Climate Support: ESPHome now has a full climate abstraction - with the “bang bang” climate device you can automate thermostats directly on the ESP.
Sun, GPS etc - This release brings a lot of helper components too of course.
But… the biggest change in this version has yet to be mentioned here: A complete refactor of the ESPHome codebase. Remember the project rename in 1.11? It’s nothing compared to the latest and greatest code refactor. ESPHome has gotten a completely new directory structure, and the codebase has been simplified a lot.
What does this mean for you?
Well, you’ll be happy to hear that this refactor improves compile times by around 2x. Additionally, these changes will make contributing a lot easier, because now the code is much more modular.
But it doesn’t stop there!
This release also brings another awesome new feature: Live validation! If you use the editor in the ESPHome dashboard, your configuration will be validated on-the-fly and any validation errors are shown directly in the editor in less than half a second!

I also want to give special shout outs to these awesome people who have contributed a lot of features in this version:
@gitolicious for his awesome work on improving the dashboard!
@mvturnho for the new TTP219 and binary sensor map additions!
@glmnet for adding the TCL112 and Coolix climate platforms, as well @puuu for pushing ahead with the climate component!
Everyone who has been supporting me financially over Patreon!
Everybody who reported bugs, contributed documentation and fixed things!
If you like this version, please consider starring the ESPHome repository on Github 💫!
Other notable changes:¶ Ingress - ESPHome now supports showing the dashboard directly in the Home Assistant frontend via the Ingress feature.
The i2c variant of the ttp229 device is now also supported.
Covers now support position & tilt - you can use these with the new endstop and time-based cover platforms.
ESPHome has received support for climate devices, you can now let your ESP control heaters/coolers directly on the ESP. Great for building a DIY thermostat or making an existing one IoT-enabled.
Lights now have some new actions:
. Addressable lights now also support a new range syntax (.range()
) functions to allow easier effect creation.Added a new custom component mechanism and contribution guidelines have been updated. See the contributing guide for more details.
RDM6300 now also has an
trigger like the PN532.Remote Transmitter and Remote Receiver have gotten some new features: custom triggers and actions with templatable values.
action for dynamically changing the frequency of the ESP8266 PWM output (for example for active buzzers).Added
action to disable a servo - this prevents it from moving around once it’s in position.Added
to dynamically change a stepper’s speed at runtime.Added
condition for checking a text sensor’s state against a fixed value.Added globals.set action, script.is_running condition, for condition.
Custom components can now access ESPHome’s global variables.
for lights and light.is_on/off.
Breaking Changes¶
All of these are also documented in validation - just view the validation output and it should tell you what has changed.
has been removed - ESPHome is no longer split up in the core and python repository.The
binary sensor platform (not the global hub) has been renamed toble_presence
.The remote transmitter switch has been removed and a template switch with the new actions should be used. See validation output.
has been removed - ESPHome is no longer split up in the core and python repository.Because of some internal changes, some ID names are used internally and can no longer be used. See validation errors.
Release 1.13.1 - May 30¶
esphome: Fix validation TypeError esphome#574
esphome: Fix Sun Trigger esphome#572
esphome: Dashboard work around bug esphome#575
esphome: Fix waveshare 7.5in model esphome#576
Release 1.13.2 - May 31¶
esphome: Fix remote_receiver binary_sensor schema esphome#578
esphome: Fix MQTT client_id changed esphome#579
esphome: Fix Rotary Encoder esphome#580
esphome: Fix travis build esphome#582
esphome: Fix MQTT on_message trigger esphome#583
esphome: Fix light partition esphome#584
esphome: Fix i2c setup priority esphome#585
docs: add note for asynchronously update of adc docs#259 by @escoand
Release 1.13.3 - June 1¶
esphome: List the correct boards when building for ESP32 esphome#589 by @macourteau
esphome: Fix addressable effects esphome#590
esphome: Fix scripts circular dependency esphome#591
esphome: Fix timezone detection for timezones without daylight savings time esphome#586
esphome: Fix remote_receiver binary_sensor esphome#592
docs: Add missing filter name for ct_clamp docs#258 by @jesserockz
esphome: Fix flicker light effect turning itself off esphome#594
esphome: Fix medium fan speed esphome#595
esphome: Fix dashboard for Py3 installs esphome#596
Release 1.13.4 - June 3¶
esphome: Add better esphomeyaml migration path esphome#600
esphome: Allow old remote_transmitter repeat schema esphome#601
esphome: Fix color wipe effect esphome#599
esphome: Fix hx711 esphome#602
esphome: Fix validation infinite loop with empty platform block esphome#598
esphome: Fix ADS1115 calculation esphome#606
esphome: ESP8266 connect fixes esphome#605
Release 1.13.5 - June 8¶
esphome: Move ESPHome version define esphome#607
esphome: Fix ForCondition time duration check esphome#610 by @ptatrai
docs: Add timezone mapping to Docker compose. docs#266 by @jeff-h
esphome: DHT22 ignore invalid values esphome#614
esphome: Template Cover don’t auto-set current_operation esphome#612
esphome: Fix addon SSL esphome#613
esphome: Fix remote_receiver always shows sony esphome#617
esphome: Make ForCondition a component esphome#616
esphome: Update docker base image to 1.8.0 esphome#618
esphome: Fix integration sensor, add test esphome#619
esphome: Fix sun default elevation esphome#620
esphome: Update base image to 1.8.3 esphome#625
esphome: Fix status binary sensor for MQTT esphome#628
esphome: Work around ESP32 BLE issue esphome#626
esphome: Work around ESP32 core WiFi Bug esphome#627
Release 1.13.6 - June 14¶
docs: Lambas won’t just work with the short name docs#269 by @ryannazaretian
esphome: Fix ESP32 RCSwitch Dump Stack Smash Protection esphome#636
esphome: Fix russia timezone detection esphome#637
esphome: Fix esp8266_restore_from_flash esphome#638
esphome: Fix globals.set esphome#635
esphome: Fix version.h file esphome#630
esphome: Fix remote_receiver raw binary sensor esphome#639
esphome: Re-add CustomMQTTDevice class esphome#640
All changes¶
docs: Extend the documentation of esp8266_restore_from_flash to include pla… docs#203 by @placidorevilla
esphome: TTP229-LSF i2c device support esphome#489 by @mvturnho
docs: Remove deprecated filter_nan: option docs#214 by @davericher
docs: Minor Gramatical fix docs#220 by @meichthys
esphome: Add cover position/tilt support esphome#496
esphome: Add climate support esphome#502
esphome: Add ‘at’ time trigger esphome#493
docs: Stepper combine lambda docs docs#223 by @AalianKhan
esphome: Simplify coroutine syntax esphome#503
docs: Added a section for all lambda calls docs#222 by @AalianKhan
docs: Typo in ESP32 Touch Component docs#216 by @jcullen86
docs: MQTT clean-mqtt: Document for docker docs#210 by @bphermansson
esphome: Wio_link and wio_node pinout improvements esphome#505 by @sethcohn
docs: Voltage range of ADC is at the chip pin docs#224 by @kimonm
esphome: Escape double quotes and backslashes in ssid and psk esphome#507 by @gitolicious
docs: Added Gitpod documentation docs#225 by @gitolicious
docs: Fixed lint and ref errors docs#228 by @gitolicious
esphome: 🏗 Merge C++ into python codebase esphome#504
docs: Create .gitpod.yml docs#226 by @gitolicious
esphome: Cleanup dashboard JS esphome#491
docs: Add esp32_camera ttgo-camera example docs#231 by @Naesstrom
esphome: Ingress esphome#519
docs: Fix config name for showing previous page docs#238 by @kevinior
docs: Update switch/index.rst lambda section docs#236 by @EmmanuelLM
esphome: Create .gitpod.yml esphome#508 by @gitolicious
esphome: Fix MQTT Not Working in dev branch esphome#527 by @mtl010957
esphome: Fix custom_sensor codegen esphome#526 by @emwap
esphome: Fix compilation of automations esphome#525 by @envy
esphome: Add Custom Component tests esphome#529 by @emwap
esphome: Create .editorconfig esphome#524 by @gitolicious
docs: Fix minor typo in ESP32 camera docs docs#241 by @richrd
esphome: Added save & validate button in editor window esphome#511 by @gitolicious
esphome: Fix compilation of my9231 component esphome#533 by @puuu
esphome: Allow rx_only mode of sds011 component esphome#534 by @puuu
esphome: MPU6050 fix temperature reading (wrong datatype) esphome#532 by @norges
esphome: Check lambdas for return statement esphome#539
esphome: Auto-Generate esphome.h esphome#538
esphome: Revert HLW8012 to use pulse counter esphome#537
esphome: Use int_range validator esphome#542
esphome: Dashboard editor live validation esphome#540
esphome: Sun support esphome#531
esphome: Update CI linter esphome#544
esphome: Updates for 1.13 esphome#546
esphome: Make Climate component work over mqtt esphome#535 by @puuu
esphome: CCS811 support esphome#536
esphome: GPS time source esphome#543
esphome: TTP229 BSF support esphome#547
esphome: Bme680 pressure value fix esphome#550 by @plopp
docs: Stepper component: fix typo in doc docs#254 by @Johboh
esphome: Suggested fix for empty domain esphome#555 by @ASMfreaK
docs: Sensor: correct example for on_raw_value docs#255 by @Johboh
docs: Update bh1750.rst (fix incorrect link text) docs#246 by @richrd
esphome: Don’t fall back to the global availability topic if it is empty esphome#553 by @brandond
esphome: Add examples to Nextion page esphome#548 by @AalianKhan
esphome: Support for AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor esphome#554 by @T3m3z
esphome: Add TCL112 climate esphome#523 by @glmnet
esphome: Add coolix climate ❄ 🔥 esphome#521 by @glmnet
esphome: added link from dashboard to web server, if configured esphome#556 by @gitolicious (cherry-picked)
esphome: Add NTC and resistance sensor esphome#560 (cherry-picked)
esphome: Waveshare enter deep sleep mode on shutdown esphome#561 (cherry-picked)
docs: extended mpr121 docs with debounce and thresholds config docs#245 by @mvturnho (cherry-picked)
esphome: Mpr121 added debounce and thresholds config esphome#558 by @mvturnho (cherry-picked)
docs: Documentation for binary_sensor_map docs#199 by @mvturnho (cherry-picked)
esphome: Binary sensor map implementation esphome#551 by @mvturnho (cherry-picked)
esphome: Fix CWWW/RGBWW lights esphome#562 (cherry-picked)
esphome: added download, edit and retry buttons to upload modal esphome#557 by @gitolicious (cherry-picked)
esphome: Renamed upload button esphome#563 by @gitolicious
esphome: Warn if a component does long-running work in loop thread esphome#565
esphome: Add CT Clamp component esphome#559 by @jesserockz
docs: Add docs for CT Clamp docs#256 by @jesserockz
docs: Put ‘MAC_ADDRESS’ instead of MAC_ADDRESS docs#239 by @tiagofreire-pt
esphome: Fix TSL2561 invalid default esphome#566
esphome: Use copy for custom includes esphome#568
esphome: Add uart.write action esphome#567
esphome: Correctly set warm white variables esphome#569 by @jesserockz
esphome: Register light conditions esphome#570