ESPHome 2021.11.0 - 17th November 2021¶
State of the Open Smart Home¶
Mark your calendar for the State of the Open Smart Home hosted by Nabu Casa, Home Assistant & ESPHome and we’ll be joined by our friends from WLED and Z-Wave JS to talk about our work on making this vision a reality.
Where: YouTube
When: Saturday, December 11, at 11am PST / 8pm CET
Improv via Serial¶
After we created Improv via BLE, we thought it might be a good idea to implement the same for serial connections. See the docs here for Improv via Serial and the website documentation for implementing a client or implementing improv in other firmware.
Entity Categories for Home Assistant¶
Home Assistant 2021.11 added support for Entity Categories and with this release certain ESPHome entites such as the restart switch and uptime sensors will have the config and diagnostic categories set respectively. The category can be overridden by the user in the yaml configuration.
Configuration URL¶
Another feature added to Home Assistant 2021.11 is the configuration URL. This allows for ESPHome devices to notify Home Assistant when the web_server
enabled and there will be a button in the Home Assistant device page to link directly to the web_server
UI for your ESPHome device.

Repeat Action¶
@oxan has implemented a repeat
action for those that want to execute a list of actions x number of times without just copying and pasting them.
Device name length¶
The maximum length of the device name has been limited to 31 characters to fall in line with standards and you will get an error if you try to set a device name longer than that.
BLE Sensor UUID changes¶
A bug was introduced in 2021.9 with the UUIDs for the ble_client
sensors being reversed incorrectly. This release flips them to be the correct way around
and you will need to reverse them in your YAML configuration.
When using the default resolution of 0.5 for the BH1750, the result is now divided by 2 as per the finidings of the community.
Binary sensor device classes¶
esphome#2703 removed the update
for binary sensors incorrectly in 2021.11.0. @frenck noticed this and has
added it back again in 2021.11.1.
Release 2021.11.1 - November 17¶
Fix AQI index calculator esphome#2739 by @freekode
Re-instate device class update for binary sensors esphome#2743 by @frenck
Release 2021.11.2 - November 26¶
Allow UART debug configuration with no after: definition esphome#2753 by @mmakaay
Fix gif frame scaling #2717 esphome#2750 by @davet2001
esp32_camera_web_server: Improve support for MotionEye esphome#2777 by @ayufan
Remove floating point ops from the ISR esphome#2751 by @ssieb
Fix parsing numbers from null-terminated buffers esphome#2755 by @oxan
Release 2021.11.3 - November 27¶
Fix restoring preferences for ESP32 esphome#2805 by @mmakaay
Release 2021.11.4 - November 29¶
Fix parsing numbers in Anova esphome#2816 by @oxan
Fix parsing of multiple values in EZO sensor esphome#2814 by @oxan
Fix compilation error for WPA enterprise in ESP-IDF esphome#2815 by @CarlosGS
Correct bitmask for third color (blue) scaling. esphome#2817 by @davet2001
Add delay to improve stability esphome#2793 by @Conclusio
Full list of changes¶
New Features¶
Make per-loop display clearing optional esphome#2626 by @timn (new-feature)
Add Entity categories for Home Assistant esphome#2636 by @jesserockz (new-feature)
Add repeat action for automations esphome#2538 by @oxan (new-feature)
Neopixelbus redo method definitions esphome#2616 by @OttoWinter (new-feature) (breaking-change)
New Components¶
Feature/sensor cse7761 esphome#2546 by @berfenger (new-integration)
Add esp32_camera_web_server: to expose mjpg/jpg images esphome#2237 by @ayufan (new-integration)
CAP1188 Capacitive Touch Sensor Support esphome#2653 by @MrEditor97 (new-integration)
Implement Improv via Serial component esphome#2423 by @jesserockz (new-integration)
Breaking Changes¶
TCS34725 BugFix and GA factor esphome#2445 by @razorback16 (breaking-change)
Limit hostnames to 31 characters esphome#2531 by @oxan (breaking-change)
Move default build path to .esphome directory esphome#2586 by @OttoWinter (breaking-change)
ESP8266 disable PIO LDF esphome#2608 by @OttoWinter (breaking-change)
Remove autoload of xiaomi_ble and ruuvi_ble esphome#2617 by @spbrogan (breaking-change)
BH1750: Fix a too high default H-res2 mode value esphome#2536 by @kixtarter (breaking-change)
Add option to use MQTT abbreviations esphome#2641 by @paulmonigatti (breaking-change)
Add restore_mode to rotary_encoder esphome#2643 by @niklasweber (breaking-change)
Neopixelbus redo method definitions esphome#2616 by @OttoWinter (new-feature) (breaking-change)
Update device classes for binary sensors esphome#2703 by @lcavalli (breaking-change)
BLE_Sensor: Use as_reversed_hex_array to properly parse UUIDs after #1627 esphome#2737 by @tekmaven (breaking-change)
Beta Fixes¶
Fix template number initial value being NaN esphome#2692 by @jesserockz
[remote_transmitter] accurate pulse timing for ESP8266 esphome#2476 by @CarlosGS
Uart debugging support esphome#2478 by @mmakaay
Enable addressable light power supply based on raw values esphome#2690 by @oxan
Remove my.ha links from improv esphome#2695 by @jesserockz
Only allow prometheus when using arduino esphome#2697 by @jesserockz
Update device classes for binary sensors esphome#2703 by @lcavalli (breaking-change)
Bump ESPAsyncWebServer to 2.1.0 esphome#2686 by @jesserockz
Allow setting custom command_topic for Select and Number components esphome#2714 by @kbialek
Restore InterruptLock on wifi-less ESP8266 esphome#2712 by @oxan
Feed WDT between doing ESP32 touchpad measurements esphome#2720 by @oxan
RemoteTransmitter fix. Bug from version 2021.10. Some changes. esphome#2706 by @dudanov
Fix indentation of write_lambda for modbus_controller number esphome#2722 by @jesserockz
Remove unnecessary duplicate touch_pad_filter_start esphome#2724 by @Maelstrom96
Add zeroconf as a direct dependency and lock the version esphome#2729 by @jesserockz
Improv serial/checksum changes esphome#2731 by @jesserockz
Fix zeroconf time comparisons esphome#2733 by @jesserockz
BLE_Sensor: Use as_reversed_hex_array to properly parse UUIDs after #1627 esphome#2737 by @tekmaven (breaking-change)
Fix senseair component uart read timeout esphome#2658 by @rotarykite
All changes¶
TCS34725 BugFix and GA factor esphome#2445 by @razorback16 (breaking-change)
Change millis() to faster micros() for 3ms check in feed_wdt esphome#2492 by @CarlosGS
Add ESP32 IDF as a test env for PRs esphome#2494 by @mmakaay
use no hold master mode for si7021/htu21d esphome#2528 by @dmitriy5181
Bump pyyaml from 5.4.1 to 6.0 esphome#2521 by @dependabot[bot]
Clarify statement at the cmd wizard tool, for new users esphome#2519 by @CarlosGS
Continue ethernet setup if hostname fails esphome#2430 by @Tommatheussen
Bump aioesphomeapi from 9.1.5 to 10.0.0 esphome#2508 by @dependabot[bot]
Move TemplatableValue helper class to automation.h esphome#2511 by @oxan
[esp-idf fix] increase FreeRTOS ticker loop from 100Hz to 1kHz esphome#2527 by @CarlosGS
Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.15.1 to 0.16.0 esphome#2547 by @dependabot[bot]
[ESP32] ADC auto-range setting esphome#2541 by @CarlosGS
Bump paho-mqtt from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 esphome#2568 by @dependabot[bot]
Fix ESP8266 dallas GPIO16 INPUT_PULLUP esphome#2581 by @OttoWinter
Fix platformio version in Dockerfile doesn’t match requirements esphome#2582 by @OttoWinter
Fix platformio_install_deps no longer installing all lib_deps esphome#2584 by @OttoWinter
ESP32 ADC use factory calibration data esphome#2574 by @OttoWinter
Add mDNS config dump esphome#2576 by @mmakaay
Fix mDNS ESP8266 log not included esphome#2589 by @OttoWinter
Bump platformio from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 esphome#2569 by @dependabot[bot]
Update docker base images esphome#2583 by @OttoWinter
Bump paho-mqtt from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 esphome#2596 by @dependabot[bot]
Logging a proper url allows terminals to make it clickable esphome#2554 by @jesserockz
Bump aioesphomeapi from 10.0.0 to 10.0.3 esphome#2595 by @dependabot[bot]
Bump tzlocal from 3.0 to 4.0.1 esphome#2553 by @dependabot[bot]
Add IDF support to dallas esphome#2578 by @OttoWinter
Limit hostnames to 31 characters esphome#2531 by @oxan (breaking-change)
Add EntityBase properties to ESP32 Camera esphome#2600 by @paulmonigatti
Move default build path to .esphome directory esphome#2586 by @OttoWinter (breaking-change)
ESP8266 disable PIO LDF esphome#2608 by @OttoWinter (breaking-change)
Switch issue-close-app to GH Actions and workflow cleanup esphome#2624 by @OttoWinter
relax max entities checking esphome#2629 by @martgras
Allow setting URL as platform_version esphome#2598 by @oxan
Constrain GH Actions workflows permissions esphome#2625 by @OttoWinter
Bump tzlocal from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 esphome#2631 by @dependabot[bot]
Bump esptool from 3.1 to 3.2 esphome#2632 by @dependabot[bot]
Add publish_initial_value option to rotary encoder esphome#2503 by @niklasweber
Remove autoload of xiaomi_ble and ruuvi_ble esphome#2617 by @spbrogan (breaking-change)
Bump aioesphomeapi from 10.0.3 to 10.1.0 esphome#2638 by @dependabot[bot]
Expose web_server port via the API esphome#2467 by @alexiri
Allow cloning/fetching Github PR branches in external_components esphome#2639 by @jesserockz
use update_interval for sntp synchronization esphome#2563 by @martgras
Feature/sensor cse7761 esphome#2546 by @berfenger (new-integration)
Bump aioesphomeapi from 10.1.0 to 10.2.0 esphome#2642 by @dependabot[bot]
BH1750: Fix a too high default H-res2 mode value esphome#2536 by @kixtarter (breaking-change)
Bump tzlocal from 4.0.2 to 4.1 esphome#2645 by @dependabot[bot]
convert SCD30 into Component, polls dataready register esphome#2308 by @geoffrey-vl
Add option to use MQTT abbreviations esphome#2641 by @paulmonigatti (breaking-change)
Fix deep sleep invert_wakeup mode esphome#2644 by @OttoWinter
Expose webserver_port to the native API esphome#2640 by @jesserockz
Fix for noise in pulse_counter and duty_cycle components esphome#2646 by @CarlosGS
Bump black from 21.9b0 to 21.10b0 esphome#2650 by @dependabot[bot]
Add restore_mode to rotary_encoder esphome#2643 by @niklasweber (breaking-change)
Make per-loop display clearing optional esphome#2626 by @timn (new-feature)
Allow esp8266 to compile with no wifi esphome#2664 by @glmnet
Fix CRC error during DSMR chunked message reading esphome#2622 by @mmakaay
Add Entity categories for Home Assistant esphome#2636 by @jesserockz (new-feature)
Add SPI lib for ESP8266 and only add lib for ESP32 when using Arduino esphome#2677 by @mmakaay
Hotfix for encrypted DSMR regression esphome#2679 by @mmakaay
Add HA Entity Category support to MQTT esphome#2678 by @paulmonigatti
Fix gpio validation for esp32 variants esphome#2609 by @martgras
Fix when package url has no branch/ref esphome#2683 by @jesserockz
SSD1306_base -> Add support for 64x32 size and fix typo for flip functions esphome#2682 by @ychieux
Fix dashboard imports for adoption esphome#2684 by @jesserockz
Add esp32_camera_web_server: to expose mjpg/jpg images esphome#2237 by @ayufan (new-integration)
fix esp32 rmt receiver item array length esphome#2671 by @glmnet
Remote base add pronto protocol esphome#2619 by @cvwillegen
Set up output_switch at priority DATA instead of HARDWARE. esphome#2648 by @duncf
fix rc switch protocol 6 esphome#2672 by @glmnet
Remove “delay_microseconds_accurate()” and improve systemwide delayMicroseconds() esphome#2497 by @CarlosGS
modbus_controller: remove hard coded register size esphome#2654 by @martgras
CAP1188 Capacitive Touch Sensor Support esphome#2653 by @MrEditor97 (new-integration)
Add missing hal.h include in esp32_camera_web_server esphome#2689 by @oxan
[ESP32 ADC] Add option for raw uncalibrated output esphome#2663 by @CarlosGS
Introduce parse_number() helper function esphome#2659 by @oxan
Add repeat action for automations esphome#2538 by @oxan (new-feature)
Neopixelbus redo method definitions esphome#2616 by @OttoWinter (new-feature) (breaking-change)
Introduce byteswap helpers esphome#2661 by @oxan
Max7219digit multiline esphome#1622 by @TVDLoewe
Clean-up string sanitization helpers esphome#2660 by @oxan
Introduce encode_value/decode_value() template functions esphome#2662 by @oxan
Make OTA function switchable in web_server component esphome#2685 by @lazlyhu
Implement Improv via Serial component esphome#2423 by @jesserockz (new-integration)
[ms5611]: Re-implement conversion from ADC readings to sensor values esphome#2665 by @anatoly-savchenkov
Fix template number initial value being NaN esphome#2692 by @jesserockz
[remote_transmitter] accurate pulse timing for ESP8266 esphome#2476 by @CarlosGS
Uart debugging support esphome#2478 by @mmakaay
Enable addressable light power supply based on raw values esphome#2690 by @oxan
Remove my.ha links from improv esphome#2695 by @jesserockz
Only allow prometheus when using arduino esphome#2697 by @jesserockz
Update device classes for binary sensors esphome#2703 by @lcavalli (breaking-change)
Bump ESPAsyncWebServer to 2.1.0 esphome#2686 by @jesserockz
Allow setting custom command_topic for Select and Number components esphome#2714 by @kbialek
Restore InterruptLock on wifi-less ESP8266 esphome#2712 by @oxan
Feed WDT between doing ESP32 touchpad measurements esphome#2720 by @oxan
RemoteTransmitter fix. Bug from version 2021.10. Some changes. esphome#2706 by @dudanov
Fix indentation of write_lambda for modbus_controller number esphome#2722 by @jesserockz
Remove unnecessary duplicate touch_pad_filter_start esphome#2724 by @Maelstrom96
Add zeroconf as a direct dependency and lock the version esphome#2729 by @jesserockz
Improv serial/checksum changes esphome#2731 by @jesserockz
Fix zeroconf time comparisons esphome#2733 by @jesserockz
BLE_Sensor: Use as_reversed_hex_array to properly parse UUIDs after #1627 esphome#2737 by @tekmaven (breaking-change)
Fix senseair component uart read timeout esphome#2658 by @rotarykite
Fix AQI index calculator esphome#2739 by @freekode
Re-instate device class update for binary sensors esphome#2743 by @frenck
Allow UART debug configuration with no after: definition esphome#2753 by @mmakaay
Fix gif frame scaling #2717 esphome#2750 by @davet2001
esp32_camera_web_server: Improve support for MotionEye esphome#2777 by @ayufan
Remove floating point ops from the ISR esphome#2751 by @ssieb
Fix parsing numbers from null-terminated buffers esphome#2755 by @oxan
Fix restoring preferences for ESP32 esphome#2805 by @mmakaay
Fix parsing numbers in Anova esphome#2816 by @oxan
Fix parsing of multiple values in EZO sensor esphome#2814 by @oxan
Fix compilation error for WPA enterprise in ESP-IDF esphome#2815 by @CarlosGS
Correct bitmask for third color (blue) scaling. esphome#2817 by @davet2001
Add delay to improve stability esphome#2793 by @Conclusio