MSA301 and MSA311 Sensors


The msa3xx sensor platform allows you to use your MSA301 and MSA311 tri-axial, low-g accelerometers (datasheet) with ESPHome. The I²C is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work.

MSA301 and MSA311 are almost identical sensors. The only difference is the ADC resolution. MSA311 has fixed 12-bits resolution while MSA301 ADC is 14-bits and it can be configured to do 8, 10, 12, or 14 bits measurements.

This component provides acceleration data in m/s², orientation information, and tap detection. XYZ axes can be calibrated and transformed to match the physical orientation of the sensor.


Module breakout board with MSA311 sensor.


Example of MSA3xx sensor representation in ESPHome dashboard.

# Example configuration entry
  type: msa301
  range: 4G
  resolution: 12
  update_interval: 10s

Configuration variables:

The configuration is made up of three parts: The central component, acceleration sensors, text sensors with orientation information, and binary sensors for taps and movement detection.

Base Configuration:

  • type (Required, string): Sensor type. Either msa301 or msa311.

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval for updating acceleration sensors. Defaults to 10s.

  • range (Optional, string): The range of the sensor measurements. One of 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G. Defaults to 2G which means it picks up accelerations between -2g and 2g.

  • resolution (Optional, int): The ADC resolution of the sensor in bits. Supported values for msa301 are 8, 10, 12, 14 (default). For msa311 the only resolution supported is 12 (and it is default).

  • calibration (Optional):

    • offset_x (Optional, float): X-axis zero position calibration, in m/s². From -4.5 to 4.5. Defaults to 0.

    • offset_y (Optional, float): Y-axis zero position calibration, in m/s². From -4.5 to 4.5. Defaults to 0.

    • offset_z (Optional, float): Z-axis zero position calibration, in m/s². From -4.5 to 4.5. Defaults to 0.

  • transform (Optional):

    • mirror_x (Optional, boolean): Mirror X-axis. Defaults to false.

    • mirror_y (Optional, boolean): Mirror Y-axis. Defaults to false.

    • mirror_z (Optional, boolean): Mirror Z-axis. Defaults to false.

    • swap_xy (Optional, boolean): Swap X and Y axis. Defaults to false.

Binary Sensor

Three binary sensors available for use. Internal 500 ms debounce is applied for all sensors. For every sensor name is required. All other options from Binary Sensor. Shorthand notation also can be used.

  - platform: msa3xx
    tap: Single tap          # shorthand notation for the sensor
    double_tap: Double tap   # -- "" --
    active:                  # regular notation for the sensor to be able
      name: Active           # to use filters and other options
        - delayed_off: 5000ms # example of prolongation of movement detection signal

Configuration variables:

  • tap (Optional): Single tap detection.

  • double_tap (Optional): Double tap detection.

  • active (Optional): Movement detection.


Acceleration data is available through sensors configuration. You can use shorthand notation like acceleration_x: "Acceleration X" or use regular notation. For regular notation only the name is required. All options from Sensor.

  - platform: msa3xx
    acceleration_x: Accel X
    acceleration_y: Accel Y
    acceleration_z: Accel Z

Configuration variables:

  • acceleration_x (Optional): X-axis acceleration, m/s².

  • acceleration_y (Optional): Y-axis acceleration, m/s².

  • acceleration_Z (Optional): Z-axis acceleration, m/s².

Text Sensor

Text sensor provides orientation information. You can use shorthand notation like orientation_xy: "Orientation XY" or use regular notation.

  - platform: msa3xx
    orientation_xy: Orientation XY
    orientation_z: Orientation Z

Configuration variables:

  • orientation_xy (Optional): XY orientation. Can be one of Portrait Upright, Portrait Upside Down, Landscape Left, Landscape Right.

  • orientation_z (Optional): Z orientation. Can be one of Upwards looking, Downwards looking


on_tap trigger

This automation will be triggered when single tap is detected.

  type: msa301
  # ...
    - then:
        - logger.log: "Tapped"

on_double_tap trigger

This automation will be triggered when double tap is detected.

  type: msa301
  # ...
    - then:
        - logger.log: "Double tapped"

on_active trigger

This automation will be triggered when device detects changes in motion.

  type: msa301
  # ...
    - then:
        - logger.log: "Activity detected"

on_orientation trigger

This automation will be triggered when device orientation is changed with respect to the gravitation field vector g.

  type: msa301
  # ...
    - then:
        - logger.log: "Orientation change detected"

Using both MSA301 and MSA311 at the same time

Should you wish to use both sensors in the same configuration, you can do so by specifying ID for each sensor.

  - id: my_msa301_sensor
    type: msa301
    # ...
  - id: my_msa311_sensor
    type: msa311

  - platform: msa3xx
    msa3xx_id: my_msa311_sensor
    acceleration_x: Accel X
    acceleration_y: Accel Y
    acceleration_z: Accel Z

  - platform: msa3xx
    msa3xx_id: my_msa301_sensor
    tap: Single tap

See Also