

The TLC59208F component represents a Texas Instruments TLC59208F 8-bit PWM driver (datasheet, hw example) in ESPHome. It uses I²C Bus for communication.

To use the channels of this components, you first need to setup the global tlc59208f chip and specify its address and id, and then define the individual output channels.

# Minimalistic configuration entry, single chip, single output
  address: 0x10
  id: tlc59208f_1

# Individual outputs
  - platform: tlc59208f
    tlc59208f_id: 'tlc59208f_1'
    channel: 0

Configuration variables:

  • address (Optional, int): The I²C address of the driver. Defaults to 0x20.

  • id (Optional, ID): The id to use for this tlc59208f component. Use this if you have multiple TLC59208Fs connected at the same time

TLC59208F Output

The TLC59208F output component exposes a TLC59208F PWM channel of a global TLC59208F chip as a float output.


Sample application of a TLC59208F 8-Channel PWM Driver.

# Complete example configuration entry for 3 drivers and 4 outputs
# Maximum 64 drivers with 8 outputs each
  - address: 0x20
    id: tlc59208f_1
  - address: 0x22
    id: tlc59208f_2
  - address: 0x24
    id: tlc59208f_3

# Individual outputs
  - platform: tlc59208f
    id: 'tlc59208f_1_ch0'
    channel: 0
    tlc59208f_id: 'tlc59208f_1'
  - platform: tlc59208f
    id: 'tlc59208f_1_ch4'
    channel: 4
    tlc59208f_id: 'tlc59208f_1'
  - platform: tlc59208f
    id: 'tlc59208f_2_ch2'
    channel: 2
    tlc59208f_id: 'tlc59208f_2'
  - platform: tlc59208f
    id: 'tlc59208f_3_ch7'
    channel: 7
    tlc59208f_id: 'tlc59208f_3'

# Sample use as a RGB light
  - platform: rgb
    name: "Sample RGB light"
    red: tlc59208f_1_ch0
    green: tlc59208f_1_ch4
    blue: tlc59208f_2_ch7

Configuration variables:

  • id (Required, ID): The id to use for this output component.

  • channel (Required, int): Choose the channel of the TLC59208F for this output component. Must be in range from 0 to 7.

  • tlc59208f_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the TLC59208F chip. Use this if you have multiple TLC59208Fs you want to use at the same time.

  • All other options from Output.

See Also