CAP1188 Capacitive Touch Sensor¶
The cap1188
sensor platform allows you to use your CAP1188
Adafruit) Capacitive Touch Sensor with ESPHome. The I²C bus is
required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work.

# Example configuration entry
id: cap1188_component
address: 0x29
reset_pin: GPIOXX
touch_threshold: 0x40
allow_multiple_touches: true
- platform: cap1188
id: touch_key0
channel: 0
name: "Touch Key 0"
Configuration variables:¶
The configuration is made up of two parts: The central component, and individual Binary sensors per channel.
address (Optional, int): The I²C address of the sensor. Defaults to
.id (Optional, ID): Set the ID of this sensor.
reset_pin (Optional, Pin): Set the pin that is used to reset the CAP1188 board on boot.
touch_threshold (Optional, int): The touch threshold for all channels. This defines the sensitivity for touch detection.
: Maximum sensitivity - Most sensitive to touch0x20
: Default sensitivity0x40
: Medium sensitivity (I used this sensitivity when being used through a 3mm sheet of plastic)0x80
: Minimum sensitivity - Least sensitive to touch
allow_multiple_touches (Optional, boolean): Whether to allow multitouch. Defaults to off.
Binary Sensor¶
The cap1188
binary sensor allows you to use your CAP1188 with ESPHome.
First, setup a Component/Hub and then use this binary sensor platform to create individual
binary sensors for each touch sensor.
Configuration variables:
cap1188_id (Optional, ID): The ID of the CAP1188 defined above. Useful for multiple CAP1188’s on the I²C bus.
channel (Required, int): The channel number the CAP1188 the touchkey is connected to.
All other options from Binary Sensor.
SPI is not currently supported. I²C must be used at this time.