Tuya MCU

The tuya component creates a serial connection to the Tuya MCU for platforms to use.


The tuya serial component requires a UART bus to be configured. Put the tuya component in the config and it will list the possible devices for you in the config log.

# Make sure logging is not using the serial port
  baud_rate: 0

  rx_pin: GPIO3
  tx_pin: GPIO1
  baud_rate: 9600

# Register the Tuya MCU connection

Here is an example output for a Tuya fan controller:

[12:39:45][C][tuya:023]: Tuya:
[12:39:45][C][tuya:032]:   Datapoint 1: switch (value: ON)
[12:39:45][C][tuya:036]:   Datapoint 3: enum (value: 1)
[12:39:45][C][tuya:036]:   Datapoint 6: enum (value: 0)
[12:39:45][C][tuya:034]:   Datapoint 7: int value (value: 0)
[12:39:45][C][tuya:032]:   Datapoint 9: switch (value: OFF)
[12:39:45][C][tuya:046]:   Product: '{"p":"hqq73kftvzh8c92u","v":"1.0.0","m":0}'

Here is another example output for a Tuya ME-81H thermostat:

[08:51:09][C][tuya:032]: Tuya:
[08:51:09][C][tuya:043]:   Datapoint 1: switch (value: ON)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:045]:   Datapoint 24: int value (value: 220)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:045]:   Datapoint 16: int value (value: 22)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:049]:   Datapoint 2: enum (value: 1)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:045]:   Datapoint 19: int value (value: 40)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:045]:   Datapoint 101: int value (value: 1)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:045]:   Datapoint 27: int value (value: -2)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:049]:   Datapoint 43: enum (value: 1)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:049]:   Datapoint 102: enum (value: 1)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:051]:   Datapoint 45: bitmask (value: 0)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:043]:   Datapoint 10: switch (value: ON)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:041]:   Datapoint 38: raw (value: (24))
[08:51:09][C][tuya:049]:   Datapoint 36: enum (value: 1)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:057]:   GPIO Configuration: status: pin 14, reset: pin 0 (not supported)
[08:51:09][C][tuya:061]:   Status Pin: GPIO14
[08:51:09][C][tuya:063]:   Product: '{"p":"gogb05wrtredz3bs","v":"1.0.0","m":0}'

Configuration variables:

  • time_id (Optional, ID): Some Tuya devices support obtaining local time from ESPHome. Specify the ID of the Time Component which will be used.

  • status_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): Some Tuya devices support WiFi status reporting ONLY through gpio pin. Specify the pin reported in the config dump or leave empty otherwise. More about this here.

  • ignore_mcu_update_on_datapoints (Optional, list): A list of datapoints to ignore MCU updates for. Useful for certain broken/erratic hardware and debugging.


  • on_datapoint_update (Optional): An automation to perform when a Tuya datapoint update is received. See on_datapoint_update.

Tuya Automation


This automation will be triggered when a a Tuya datapoint update is received. A variable x is passed to the automation for use in lambdas. The type of x variable is depending on datapoint_type configuration variable:

  • raw: x is std::vector<uint8_t>

  • string: x is std::string

  • bool: x is bool

  • int: x is int

  • uint: x is uint32_t

  • enum: x is uint8_t

  • bitmask: x is uint32_t

  • any: x is tuya::TuyaDatapoint

    - sensor_datapoint: 6
      datapoint_type: raw
        - lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGD("main", "on_datapoint_update %s", format_hex_pretty(x).c_str());
            id(voltage).publish_state((x[0] << 8 | x[1]) * 0.1);
            id(current).publish_state((x[3] << 8 | x[4]) * 0.001);
            id(power).publish_state((x[6] << 8 | x[7]) * 0.1);
    - sensor_datapoint: 7 # sample dp
      datapoint_type: string
        - lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGD("main", "on_datapoint_update %s", x.c_str());
    - sensor_datapoint: 8 # sample dp
      datapoint_type: bool
        - lambda: |-
            ESP_LOGD("main", "on_datapoint_update %s", ONOFF(x));
    - sensor_datapoint: 6
      datapoint_type: any # this is optional
        - lambda: |-
            if (x.type == tuya::TuyaDatapointType::RAW) {
              ESP_LOGD("main", "on_datapoint_update %s", format_hex_pretty(x.value_raw).c_str());
            } else {
              ESP_LOGD("main", "on_datapoint_update %hhu", x.type);

Configuration variables:

  • sensor_datapoint (Required, int): The datapoint id number of the sensor.

  • datapoint_type (Required, string): The datapoint type one of raw, string, bool, int, uint, enum, bitmask or any.

  • See Automation.

See Also