chsc6x Touch Screen Controller

The chsc6x touchscreen platform allows using the touch screen controllers based on the chsc6x chip with ESPHome. The I²C is required to be set up in your configuration for this touchscreen to work.

This controller is used in the Seeed Studio Round Display for XIAO with ILI9xxx display


chsc6x touchscreen on Seeed Studio Round Display

Base Touchscreen Configuration

# Example configuration entry
  platform: chsc6x
  id: my_touchscreen
  display: my_display
  interrupt_pin: GPIO44

Configuration variables:

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually set the ID of this touchscreen.

  • interrupt_pin (Optional, Pin Schema): The touch detection pin.

  • All other options from Touchscreen.

Sample config for the ESP32S3

  sda: GPIO5
  scl: GPIO6

  clk_pin: GPIO7
  mosi_pin: GPIO9

  - platform: ili9xxx
    model: GC9A01A
    auto_clear_enabled: True
    invert_colors: True
    id: my_display
    cs_pin: GPIO2
    dc_pin: GPIO4

  platform: chsc6x
  id: my_touchscreen
  display: my_display
  interrupt_pin: GPIO44

See Also