Mopeka Pro Check BLE Sensor¶
The mopeka_pro_check
sensor platform lets you track the output of Mopeka Pro
Check LP, Mopeka Pro Plus, Mopeka Pro Universal or Lippert Propane Tank Sensors, Bluetooth Low
Energy devices using the ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub. This component
will track the tank level, distance, temperature, battery percentage, and sensor reading quality of a
device every time the sensor sends out a BLE broadcast. There are additional configuration options
to control handling of poor quality readings and reporting reading quality issues.
- This sensor component only supports the following sensors:
Mopeka Pro Check devices
Mopeka Pro Plus devices
Mopeka Pro Check Universal Sensor
Lippert Propane Tank Sensor, part number 2021130655
Sensors are calibrated for propane only.
See Mopeka Standard Check BLE Sensor for original Mopeka Check sensors support.

Mopeka Pro Check LP over BLE.¶

Lippert™ Propane Tank Sensor¶
The original Mopeka Check sensors are not supported.
Mopeka Pro Check LP over BLE:¶
# Example using 20lb vertical propane tank.
- platform: mopeka_pro_check
mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
tank_type: 20LB_V
name: "Propane test temp"
name: "Propane test level"
name: "Propane test distance"
name: "Propane test battery level"
name: "Propane test read quality"
name: "Propane test ignored reads"
# Report sensor distance/level data for all equal or greater than
minimum_signal_quality: "LOW"
# Custom example - user defined empty / full points
- platform: mopeka_pro_check
mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
tank_type: CUSTOM
custom_distance_full: 40cm
custom_distance_empty: 10mm
name: "Propane c test temp"
name: "Propane c test level"
name: "Propane c test distance"
name: "Propane c test battery level"
Configuration variables:¶
mac_address (Required, MAC Address): The MAC address of the Mopeka/Lippert device.
tank_type (Required): The tank type the sensor is measuring. See below.
custom_distance_full (Optional): distance sensor will read when it should be considered full (100%). This is only used when tank_type = CUSTOM
custom_distance_empty (Optional): distance sensor will read when it should be considered empty (0%). This is only used when tank_type = CUSTOM
level (Optional): The percentage of full for the tank sensor. If read is ignored due to quality this sensor will not be updated.
All options from Sensor.
distance (Optional): The raw distance/depth of the liquid for the sensor in mm. If read is ignored due to quality this sensor will not be updated.
All options from Sensor.
temperature (Optional): The information for the temperature sensor. This temperature is on the sensor and is not calibrated to ambient temperature.
All options from Sensor.
battery_level (Optional): The information for the battery percentage sensor. Sensor uses a standard CR2032 battery.
All options from Sensor.
signal_quality (Optional): The information for the read quality sensor.
All options from Sensor.
ignored_reads (Optional): A diagnostic sensor indicating the number of consecutive ignored reads. This resets to zero each time the read is equal or greater than the configured ignored quality. Only the distance and level sensors are not reported.
All options from Sensor.
minimum_signal_quality (Optional): Each report from the sensor indicates the quality or confidence in the distance the sensor calculated. Physical sensor placement, tank material or quality, or other factors can influence the sensors ability to read with confidence. As quality gets lower, the accuracy of the distance reading may not align with expectations. This value allows configuration of the minimum quality level that the distance should be evaluated/reported. Acceptable Values:
“HIGH”: High Quality
“MEDIUM”: Medium Quality (default value)
“LOW”: Low Quality
“ZERO”: Zero Quality
Tank Types¶
Currently supported Tank types are:
- 20 LB vertical tank30LB_V
- 30 LB vertical tank40LB_V
- 40 LB vertical tankEUROPE_6KG
- 6kg vertical tankEUROPE_11KG
- 11kg vertical tankEUROPE_14KG
- 14kg vertical tankCUSTOM
- Allows you to define your own full and empty points
Setting Up Devices¶
To set up the sensor devices you first need to find the MAC Address so that
ESPHome can identify it. First, create a simple configuration with the esp32_ble_tracker
and the mopeka_ble
component like so:
After uploading, the ESP32 will immediately try to scan for BLE devices. Press and hold the sync button for it to be identified.
Or alternatively set the configuration flag show_sensors_without_sync: true
to see all devices.
For all sensors found the mopeka_ble
component will print a message like this one:
[20:43:26][I][mopeka_ble:074]: MOPEKA PRO (NRF52) SENSOR FOUND: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Then just copy the address (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
) into a new
platform entry like in the configuration example at the top.
The ESPHome Mopeka Pro Check BLE component listens passively to packets the Mopeka/Lippert device sends by itself. ESPHome therefore has no impact on the battery life of the device.
See Also¶
Mopeka <>