ADS1118 4-Channel 16-Bit A/D Converter with Internal Temperature Sensor


ADS1118 4-Channel 16-Bit A/D Converter (datasheet) The ads1118 domain creates a global hub so that you can later create individual sensors using the ADS1118 Sensor Platform. It uses the SPI Bus for communication.


ADS1118 16-Bit ADC.

  cs_pin: GPIO15

Configuration variables:

  • cs_pin (Required, int): The SPI cable select pin to use.

  • id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID for this ADS1118 Hub. Use this if you want to use multiple ADS1118 hubs at once.


The ads1118 sensor allows you to use your ADS1118 delta-sigma ADC sensors (datasheet) with ESPHome. First, setup an ADS1118 Hub for your ADS1118 sensor and then use this sensor platform to create individual sensors that will report the voltage.

  cs_pin: GPIO15
  - platform: ads1118
    type: 'adc'
    id: 'batt_volt'
    name: "Battery Voltage"
    multiplexer: 'A3_GND'
    gain: 4.096
    update_interval: .01s

Configuration variables:

  • type (Optional): adc``(default) or ``temperature

  • ads1118_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the

    ADS1118 Hub you want to use this sensor.

  • update_interval (Optional, Time): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to 60s.

  • All other options from Sensor.

ADC Options:

  • multiplexer (Required): The multiplexer channel of this sensor. Effectively means between which pins you want to measure voltage.

  • gain (Required, float): The gain of this sensor.

Temperature Options:


Multiplexer and Gain


As per (datasheet) Section 7.3 Note 2: “No more than VDD + 0.3V must be applied to the analog inputs of the device.” This means if you power the device with 3.3V, take care not to supply the 4 AIN pins with more than 3.6V.

The ADS1118 has a multiplexer that can be configured to measure voltage between several pin configurations. These are:

  • A0_A1 (between Pin 0 and Pin 1)

  • A0_A3 (between Pin 0 and Pin 3)

  • A1_A3 (between Pin 1 and Pin 3)

  • A2_A3 (between Pin 2 and Pin 3)

  • A0_GND (between Pin 0 and GND)

  • A1_GND (between Pin 1 and GND)

  • A2_GND (between Pin 2 and GND)

  • A3_GND (between Pin 3 and GND)

Additionally, the ADS1118 has a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) that can help you measure voltages in different ranges, these are:

  • 6.144 (measures up to 6.144V)

  • 4.096 (measures up to 4.096V)

  • 2.048 (measures up to 2.048V)

  • 1.024 (measures up to 1.024V)

  • 0.512 (measures up to 0.512V)

  • 0.256 (measures up to 0.256V)

See Also