Script Component

ESPHome’s script component allows you to define a list of steps (actions) in a central place. You can then execute the script from nearly anywhere in your device’s configuration with a single call.

# Example configuration entry
  - id: my_script
      - switch.turn_on: my_switch
      - delay: 1s
      - switch.turn_off: my_switch

Configuration variables:

  • id (Required, ID): The ID of the script. Use this to interact with the script using the script actions.

  • mode (Optional, string): Controls what happens when a script is invoked while it is still running from one or more previous invocations. Default to single.

    • single: Do not start a new run. Issue a warning.

    • restart: Start a new run after first stopping previous run.

    • queued: Start a new run after previous runs complete.

    • parallel: Start a new, independent run in parallel with previous runs.

  • max_runs (Optional, int): Allows limiting the maximum number of runs when using script modes queued and parallel, use value 0 for unlimited runs. Defaults to 0.

  • parameters (Optional, Script Parameters): A script can define one or more parameters that must be provided in order to execute. All parameters defined here are mandatory and must be given when calling the script.

  • then (Required, Action): The action to perform.

Script Parameters

Scripts can be defined with parameters. The arguments given when calling the script can be used within the script’s lambda actions. To define the parameters, add the parameter names under the parameters: key and specify the data type for that parameter.

Supported data types:

  • bool: A boolean true/false. C++ type: bool

  • int: An integer. C++ type: int32_t

  • float: A floating point number. C++ type: float

  • string: A string. C++ type: std::string

Each of these also exist in array form:

  • bool[]: An array of boolean values. C++ type: std::vector<bool>

  • Same for other types.

  - id: blink_light
      delay_ms: int
      - light.turn_on: status_light
      # The param delay_ms is accessible using a lambda
      - delay: !lambda return delay_ms;
      - light.turn_off: status_light

script.execute Action

This action executes the script. The script mode dictates what will happen if the script was already running.

# in a trigger:
    - script.execute: my_script

    # Calling a non-parameterised script in a lambda
    - lambda: id(my_script).execute();

    # Calling a script with parameters
    - script.execute:
        id: blink_light
        delay_ms: 500

    # Calling a parameterised script inside a lambda
    - lambda: id(blink_light)->execute(1000);

script.stop Action

This action allows you to stop a given script during execution. If the script is not running, it does nothing. This is useful if you want to stop a script that contains a delay action, wait_until action, or is inside a while loop, etc. You can also call this action from the script itself, and any subsequent action will not be executed.

# Example configuration entry
  - id: my_script
      - switch.turn_on: my_switch
      - delay: 1s
      - switch.turn_off: my_switch

# in a trigger:
    - script.stop: my_script

…or as lambda:

lambda: 'id(my_script).stop();'

script.wait Action

This action suspends execution of the automation until a script has finished executing.

Note: If no script is executing, this will continue immediately. If multiple instances of the script are running in parallel, this will block until all of them have terminated.

# Example configuration entry
  - id: my_script
      - switch.turn_on: my_switch
      - delay: 1s
      - switch.turn_off: my_switch

# in a trigger:
    - script.execute: my_script
    - script.wait: my_script

This can’t be used in a lambda as it would block all functioning of the device. The script wouldn’t even get to run.

script.is_running Condition

This condition allows you to check if a given script is running. In case scripts are run in parallel, this condition only tells you if at least one script of the given id is running, not how many. Not designed for use with while; instead try script.wait.

      - script.is_running: my_script
      - logger.log: Script is running!

…or as lambda:

lambda: |-
    if (id(my_script).is_running()) {
        ESP_LOGI("main", "Script is running!");

See Also