| ILI9XXXILI9488 (const uint8_t *seq=INITCMD_ILI9488) |
| ILI9XXXDisplay ()=default |
| ILI9XXXDisplay (uint8_t const *init_sequence, int16_t width, int16_t height) |
void | add_init_sequence (const std::vector< uint8_t > &sequence) |
void | set_dc_pin (GPIOPin *dc_pin) |
float | get_setup_priority () const override |
void | set_reset_pin (GPIOPin *reset) |
void | set_palette (const uint8_t *palette) |
void | set_buffer_color_mode (ILI9XXXColorMode color_mode) |
void | set_dimensions (int16_t width, int16_t height) |
void | set_offsets (int16_t offset_x, int16_t offset_y) |
void | invert_colors (bool invert) |
virtual void | command (uint8_t value) |
virtual void | data (uint8_t value) |
void | send_command (uint8_t command_byte, const uint8_t *data_bytes, uint8_t num_data_bytes) |
void | set_color_order (display::ColorOrder color_order) |
void | set_swap_xy (bool swap_xy) |
void | set_mirror_x (bool mirror_x) |
void | set_mirror_y (bool mirror_y) |
void | set_pixel_mode (PixelMode mode) |
void | update () override |
void | fill (Color color) override |
void | dump_config () override |
void | setup () override |
void | on_shutdown () override |
display::DisplayType | get_display_type () override |
void | draw_pixels_at (int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, const uint8_t *ptr, display::ColorOrder order, display::ColorBitness bitness, bool big_endian, int x_offset, int y_offset, int x_pad) override |
int | get_width () override |
| Get the width of the image in pixels with rotation applied. More...
int | get_height () override |
| Get the height of the image in pixels with rotation applied. More...
void | draw_pixel_at (int x, int y, Color color) override |
| Set a single pixel at the specified coordinates to the given color. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear the entire screen by filling it with OFF pixels. More...
int | get_native_width () |
| Get the native (original) width of the display in pixels. More...
int | get_native_height () |
| Get the native (original) height of the display in pixels. More...
void | draw_pixel_at (int x, int y) |
| Set a single pixel at the specified coordinates to default color. More...
void | draw_pixels_at (int x_start, int y_start, int w, int h, const uint8_t *ptr, ColorOrder order, ColorBitness bitness, bool big_endian) |
| Convenience overload for base case where the pixels are packed into the buffer with no gaps (e.g. suits LVGL.) More...
void | line (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw a straight line from the point [x1,y1] to [x2,y2] with the given color. More...
void | line_at_angle (int x, int y, int angle, int length, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw a straight line at the given angle based on the origin [x, y] for a specified length with the given color. More...
void | line_at_angle (int x, int y, int angle, int start_radius, int stop_radius, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw a straight line at the given angle based on the origin [x, y] from a specified start and stop radius with the given color. More...
void | horizontal_line (int x, int y, int width, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw a horizontal line from the point [x,y] to [x+width,y] with the given color. More...
void | vertical_line (int x, int y, int height, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw a vertical line from the point [x,y] to [x,y+width] with the given color. More...
void | rectangle (int x1, int y1, int width, int height, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw the outline of a rectangle with the top left point at [x1,y1] and the bottom right point at [x1+width,y1+height]. More...
void | filled_rectangle (int x1, int y1, int width, int height, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Fill a rectangle with the top left point at [x1,y1] and the bottom right point at [x1+width,y1+height]. More...
void | circle (int center_x, int center_xy, int radius, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw the outline of a circle centered around [center_x,center_y] with the radius radius with the given color. More...
void | filled_circle (int center_x, int center_y, int radius, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Fill a circle centered around [center_x,center_y] with the radius radius with the given color. More...
void | filled_ring (int center_x, int center_y, int radius1, int radius2, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Fill a ring centered around [center_x,center_y] between two circles with the radius1 and radius2 with the given color. More...
void | filled_gauge (int center_x, int center_y, int radius1, int radius2, int progress, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Fill a half-ring "gauge" centered around [center_x,center_y] between two circles with the radius1 and radius2 with he given color and filled up to 'progress' percent. More...
void | triangle (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw the outline of a triangle contained between the points [x1,y1], [x2,y2] and [x3,y3] with the given color. More...
void | filled_triangle (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Fill a triangle contained between the points [x1,y1], [x2,y2] and [x3,y3] with the given color. More...
void | get_regular_polygon_vertex (int vertex_id, int *vertex_x, int *vertex_y, int center_x, int center_y, int radius, int edges, RegularPolygonVariation variation=VARIATION_POINTY_TOP, float rotation_degrees=ROTATION_0_DEGREES) |
| Get the specified vertex (x,y) coordinates for the regular polygon inscribed in the circle centered on [center_x,center_y] with the given radius. More...
void | regular_polygon (int x, int y, int radius, int edges, RegularPolygonVariation variation=VARIATION_POINTY_TOP, float rotation_degrees=ROTATION_0_DEGREES, Color color=COLOR_ON, RegularPolygonDrawing drawing=DRAWING_OUTLINE) |
| Draw the outline of a regular polygon inscribed in the circle centered on [x,y] with the given radius and color. More...
void | regular_polygon (int x, int y, int radius, int edges, RegularPolygonVariation variation, Color color, RegularPolygonDrawing drawing=DRAWING_OUTLINE) |
void | regular_polygon (int x, int y, int radius, int edges, Color color, RegularPolygonDrawing drawing=DRAWING_OUTLINE) |
void | filled_regular_polygon (int x, int y, int radius, int edges, RegularPolygonVariation variation=VARIATION_POINTY_TOP, float rotation_degrees=ROTATION_0_DEGREES, Color color=COLOR_ON) |
| Fill a regular polygon inscribed in the circle centered on [x,y] with the given radius and color. More...
void | filled_regular_polygon (int x, int y, int radius, int edges, RegularPolygonVariation variation, Color color) |
void | filled_regular_polygon (int x, int y, int radius, int edges, Color color) |
void | print (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, TextAlign align, const char *text, Color background=COLOR_OFF) |
| Print text with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void | print (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, const char *text, Color background=COLOR_OFF) |
| Print text with the top left at [x,y] with font . More...
void | print (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, TextAlign align, const char *text) |
| Print text with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void | print (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, const char *text) |
| Print text with the top left at [x,y] with font . More...
void | printf (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, Color background, TextAlign align, const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf |
| Evaluate the printf-format format and print the result with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void void | printf (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, TextAlign align, const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf |
| Evaluate the printf-format format and print the result with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void | printf (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf |
| Evaluate the printf-format format and print the result with the top left at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void | printf (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, TextAlign align, const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf |
| Evaluate the printf-format format and print the result with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void | printf (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf |
| Evaluate the printf-format format and print the result with the top left at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void void | strftime (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, Color background, TextAlign align, const char *format, ESPTime time) __attribute__((format(strftime |
| Evaluate the strftime-format format and print the result with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void void void | strftime (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, TextAlign align, const char *format, ESPTime time) __attribute__((format(strftime |
| Evaluate the strftime-format format and print the result with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void void void void | strftime (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, Color color, const char *format, ESPTime time) __attribute__((format(strftime |
| Evaluate the strftime-format format and print the result with the top left at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void void void void void | strftime (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, TextAlign align, const char *format, ESPTime time) __attribute__((format(strftime |
| Evaluate the strftime-format format and print the result with the anchor point at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void void void void void void | strftime (int x, int y, BaseFont *font, const char *format, ESPTime time) __attribute__((format(strftime |
| Evaluate the strftime-format format and print the result with the top left at [x,y] with font . More...
void void void void void void void void void void void | image (int x, int y, BaseImage *image, Color color_on=COLOR_ON, Color color_off=COLOR_OFF) |
| Draw the image with the top-left corner at [x,y] to the screen. More...
void | image (int x, int y, BaseImage *image, ImageAlign align, Color color_on=COLOR_ON, Color color_off=COLOR_OFF) |
| Draw the image at [x,y] to the screen. More...
void | graph (int x, int y, graph::Graph *graph, Color color_on=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw the graph with the top-left corner at [x,y] to the screen. More...
void | legend (int x, int y, graph::Graph *graph, Color color_on=COLOR_ON) |
| Draw the legend for graph with the top-left corner at [x,y] to the screen. More...
void | qr_code (int x, int y, qr_code::QrCode *qr_code, Color color_on=COLOR_ON, int scale=1) |
| Draw the qr_code with the top-left corner at [x,y] to the screen. More...
void | menu (int x, int y, graphical_display_menu::GraphicalDisplayMenu *menu, int width, int height) |
void | get_text_bounds (int x, int y, const char *text, BaseFont *font, TextAlign align, int *x1, int *y1, int *width, int *height) |
| Get the text bounds of the given string. More...
void | set_writer (display_writer_t &&writer) |
| Internal method to set the display writer lambda. More...
void | show_page (DisplayPage *page) |
void | show_next_page () |
void | show_prev_page () |
void | set_pages (std::vector< DisplayPage *> pages) |
const DisplayPage * | get_active_page () const |
void | add_on_page_change_trigger (DisplayOnPageChangeTrigger *t) |
void | set_rotation (DisplayRotation rotation) |
| Internal method to set the display rotation with. More...
void | set_auto_clear (bool auto_clear_enabled) |
DisplayRotation | get_rotation () const |
void | start_clipping (Rect rect) |
| Set the clipping rectangle for further drawing. More...
void | start_clipping (int16_t left, int16_t top, int16_t right, int16_t bottom) |
void | extend_clipping (Rect rect) |
| Add a rectangular region to the invalidation region. More...
void | extend_clipping (int16_t left, int16_t top, int16_t right, int16_t bottom) |
void | shrink_clipping (Rect rect) |
| substract a rectangular region to the invalidation region More...
void | shrink_clipping (uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right, uint16_t bottom) |
void | end_clipping () |
| Reset the invalidation region. More...
Rect | get_clipping () const |
| Get the current the clipping rectangle. More...
bool | is_clipping () const |
bool | clip (int x, int y) |
| Check if pixel is within region of display. More...
void | test_card () |
void | show_test_card () |
| PollingComponent () |
| PollingComponent (uint32_t update_interval) |
| Initialize this polling component with the given update interval in ms. More...
virtual void | set_update_interval (uint32_t update_interval) |
| Manually set the update interval in ms for this polling object. More...
void | call_setup () override |
virtual uint32_t | get_update_interval () const |
| Get the update interval in ms of this sensor. More...
void | start_poller () |
void | stop_poller () |
virtual void | loop () |
| This method will be called repeatedly. More...
float | get_actual_setup_priority () const |
void | set_setup_priority (float priority) |
virtual float | get_loop_priority () const |
| priority of loop(). More...
void | call () |
virtual void | on_safe_shutdown () |
uint32_t | get_component_state () const |
virtual void | mark_failed () |
| Mark this component as failed. More...
bool | is_failed () const |
bool | is_ready () const |
virtual bool | can_proceed () |
bool | status_has_warning () const |
bool | status_has_error () const |
void | status_set_warning (const char *message="unspecified") |
void | status_set_error (const char *message="unspecified") |
void | status_clear_warning () |
void | status_clear_error () |
void | status_momentary_warning (const std::string &name, uint32_t length=5000) |
void | status_momentary_error (const std::string &name, uint32_t length=5000) |
bool | has_overridden_loop () const |
void | set_component_source (const char *source) |
| Set where this component was loaded from for some debug messages. More...
const char * | get_component_source () const |
| Get the integration where this component was declared as a string. More...
| SPIDevice () |
| SPIDevice (SPIComponent *parent, GPIOPin *cs_pin) |
void | spi_setup () override |
void | spi_teardown () override |
void | set_spi_parent (SPIComponent *parent) |
void | set_cs_pin (GPIOPin *cs) |
void | set_data_rate (uint32_t data_rate) |
void | set_bit_order (SPIBitOrder order) |
void | set_mode (SPIMode mode) |
uint8_t | read_byte () |
void | read_array (uint8_t *data, size_t length) |
void | write (uint16_t data, size_t num_bits) |
| Write a single data item, up to 32 bits. More...
void | write_cmd_addr_data (size_t cmd_bits, uint32_t cmd, size_t addr_bits, uint32_t address, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint8_t bus_width=1) |
void | write_byte (uint8_t data) |
void | transfer_array (uint8_t *data, size_t length) |
| Write the array data, replace with received data. More...
void | transfer_array (std::array< uint8_t, N > &data) |
uint8_t | transfer_byte (uint8_t data) |
void | write_byte16 (uint16_t data) |
| Write 16 bit data. More...
void | write_array16 (const uint16_t *data, size_t length) |
| Write an array of data as 16 bit values, byte-swapping if required. More...
void | enable () |
void | disable () |
void | write_array (const uint8_t *data, size_t length) |
void | write_array (const std::array< uint8_t, N > &data) |
void | write_array (const std::vector< uint8_t > &data) |
| SPIClient (SPIBitOrder bit_order, SPIMode mode, uint32_t data_rate) |
bool | spi_is_ready () |