ESPHome  2024.12.4
esphome::bmp3xx_spi::BMP3XXSPIComponent Class Reference

#include <bmp3xx_spi.h>

Inheritance diagram for esphome::bmp3xx_spi::BMP3XXSPIComponent:
esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent esphome::spi::SPIDevice< spi::BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST, spi::CLOCK_POLARITY_LOW, spi::CLOCK_PHASE_LEADING, spi::DATA_RATE_1MHZ > esphome::PollingComponent esphome::spi::SPIClient esphome::Component

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent
void dump_config () override
float get_setup_priority () const override
void update () override
void set_temperature_sensor (sensor::Sensor *temperature_sensor)
void set_pressure_sensor (sensor::Sensor *pressure_sensor)
void set_temperature_oversampling_config (Oversampling temperature_oversampling)
 Set the oversampling value for the temperature sensor. Default is 16x. More...
void set_pressure_oversampling_config (Oversampling pressure_oversampling)
 Set the oversampling value for the pressure sensor. Default is 16x. More...
void set_iir_filter_config (IIRFilter iir_filter)
 Set the IIR Filter used to increase accuracy, defaults to no IIR Filter. More...
uint8_t reset ()
 Soft reset the sensor. More...
bool start_normal_conversion ()
 Start continuous measurement in NORMAL_MODE. More...
bool start_forced_conversion ()
 Start a one shot measurement in FORCED_MODE. More...
bool stop_conversion ()
 Stop the conversion and return to SLEEP_MODE. More...
bool set_pressure_oversampling (Oversampling pressure_oversampling)
 Set the pressure oversampling: OFF, X1, X2, X4, X8, X16, X32. More...
bool set_temperature_oversampling (Oversampling temperature_oversampling)
 Set the temperature oversampling: OFF, X1, X2, X4, X8, X16, X32. More...
bool set_iir_filter (IIRFilter iir_filter)
 Set the IIR filter setting: OFF, 2, 3, 8, 16, 32. More...
bool get_temperature (float &temperature)
 Get a temperature measurement. More...
bool get_pressure (float &pressure)
 Get a pressure measurement. More...
bool get_measurements (float &temperature, float &pressure)
 Get a temperature and pressure measurement. More...
bool get_measurement ()
 Get a temperature and pressure measurement. More...
bool set_mode (OperationMode mode)
 Set the barometer mode. More...
bool set_oversampling_register (Oversampling pressure_oversampling, Oversampling temperature_oversampling)
 Set the BMP388 oversampling register. More...
bool data_ready ()
 Checks if a measurement is ready. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::PollingComponent
 PollingComponent ()
 PollingComponent (uint32_t update_interval)
 Initialize this polling component with the given update interval in ms. More...
virtual void set_update_interval (uint32_t update_interval)
 Manually set the update interval in ms for this polling object. More...
void call_setup () override
virtual uint32_t get_update_interval () const
 Get the update interval in ms of this sensor. More...
void start_poller ()
void stop_poller ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::Component
virtual void loop ()
 This method will be called repeatedly. More...
float get_actual_setup_priority () const
void set_setup_priority (float priority)
virtual float get_loop_priority () const
 priority of loop(). More...
void call ()
virtual void on_shutdown ()
virtual void on_safe_shutdown ()
uint32_t get_component_state () const
virtual void mark_failed ()
 Mark this component as failed. More...
bool is_failed () const
bool is_ready () const
virtual bool can_proceed ()
bool status_has_warning () const
bool status_has_error () const
void status_set_warning (const char *message="unspecified")
void status_set_error (const char *message="unspecified")
void status_clear_warning ()
void status_clear_error ()
void status_momentary_warning (const std::string &name, uint32_t length=5000)
void status_momentary_error (const std::string &name, uint32_t length=5000)
bool has_overridden_loop () const
void set_component_source (const char *source)
 Set where this component was loaded from for some debug messages. More...
const char * get_component_source () const
 Get the integration where this component was declared as a string. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::spi::SPIDevice< spi::BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST, spi::CLOCK_POLARITY_LOW, spi::CLOCK_PHASE_LEADING, spi::DATA_RATE_1MHZ >
 SPIDevice ()
 SPIDevice (SPIComponent *parent, GPIOPin *cs_pin)
void spi_setup () override
void spi_teardown () override
void set_spi_parent (SPIComponent *parent)
void set_cs_pin (GPIOPin *cs)
void set_data_rate (uint32_t data_rate)
void set_bit_order (SPIBitOrder order)
void set_mode (SPIMode mode)
uint8_t read_byte ()
void read_array (uint8_t *data, size_t length)
void write (uint16_t data, size_t num_bits)
 Write a single data item, up to 32 bits. More...
void write_cmd_addr_data (size_t cmd_bits, uint32_t cmd, size_t addr_bits, uint32_t address, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, uint8_t bus_width=1)
void write_byte (uint8_t data)
void transfer_array (uint8_t *data, size_t length)
 Write the array data, replace with received data. More...
void transfer_array (std::array< uint8_t, N > &data)
uint8_t transfer_byte (uint8_t data)
void write_byte16 (uint16_t data)
 Write 16 bit data. More...
void write_array16 (const uint16_t *data, size_t length)
 Write an array of data as 16 bit values, byte-swapping if required. More...
void enable ()
void disable ()
void write_array (const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
void write_array (const std::array< uint8_t, N > &data)
void write_array (const std::vector< uint8_t > &data)
- Public Member Functions inherited from esphome::spi::SPIClient
 SPIClient (SPIBitOrder bit_order, SPIMode mode, uint32_t data_rate)
bool spi_is_ready ()
- Protected Types inherited from esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent
enum  ErrorCode {
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent
struct {
   uint16_t   param_T1
   uint16_t   param_T2
   int8_t   param_T3
   int16_t   param_P1
   int16_t   param_P2
   int8_t   param_P3
   int8_t   param_P4
   uint16_t   param_P5
   uint16_t   param_P6
   int8_t   param_P7
   int8_t   param_P8
   int16_t   param_P9
   int8_t   param_P10
   int8_t   param_P11
__attribute__ ((packed)) compensation_params_
float bmp388_compensate_temperature_ (float uncomp_temp)
float bmp388_compensate_pressure_ (float uncomp_press, float t_lin)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::Component
virtual void call_loop ()
virtual void call_dump_config ()
void set_interval (const std::string &name, uint32_t interval, std::function< void()> &&f)
 Set an interval function with a unique name. More...
void set_interval (uint32_t interval, std::function< void()> &&f)
bool cancel_interval (const std::string &name)
 Cancel an interval function. More...
void set_retry (const std::string &name, uint32_t initial_wait_time, uint8_t max_attempts, std::function< RetryResult(uint8_t)> &&f, float backoff_increase_factor=1.0f)
 Set an retry function with a unique name. More...
void set_retry (uint32_t initial_wait_time, uint8_t max_attempts, std::function< RetryResult(uint8_t)> &&f, float backoff_increase_factor=1.0f)
bool cancel_retry (const std::string &name)
 Cancel a retry function. More...
void set_timeout (const std::string &name, uint32_t timeout, std::function< void()> &&f)
 Set a timeout function with a unique name. More...
void set_timeout (uint32_t timeout, std::function< void()> &&f)
bool cancel_timeout (const std::string &name)
 Cancel a timeout function. More...
void defer (const std::string &name, std::function< void()> &&f)
 Defer a callback to the next loop() call. More...
void defer (std::function< void()> &&f)
 Defer a callback to the next loop() call. More...
bool cancel_defer (const std::string &name)
 Cancel a defer callback using the specified name, name must not be empty. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent
Oversampling temperature_oversampling_ {OVERSAMPLING_X16}
Oversampling pressure_oversampling_ {OVERSAMPLING_X16}
IIRFilter iir_filter_ {IIR_FILTER_OFF}
OperationMode operation_mode_ {FORCED_MODE}
sensor::Sensortemperature_sensor_ {nullptr}
sensor::Sensorpressure_sensor_ {nullptr}
enum esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent::ErrorCode NONE
struct esphome::bmp3xx_base::BMP3XXComponent::FloatParams compensation_float_params_
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   chip_id_nvm: 4
      uint8_t   chip_id_fixed: 4
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
chip_id_ = {.reg = 0}
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   por_detected: 1
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
event_ = {.reg = 0}
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   fwm_int: 1
      uint8_t   ffull_int: 1
      uint8_t   __pad0__: 1
      uint8_t   drdy: 1
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
int_status_ = {.reg = 0}
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   press_en: 1
      uint8_t   temp_en: 1
      uint8_t   __pad0__: 2
      uint8_t   mode: 2
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
pwr_ctrl_ = {.reg = 0}
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   osr_p: 3
      uint8_t   osr_t: 3
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
osr_ = {.reg = 0}
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   odr_sel: 5
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
odr_ = {.reg = 0}
union {
   struct {
      uint8_t   __pad0__: 1
      uint8_t   iir_filter: 3
   }   bit
   uint8_t   reg
config_ = {.reg = 0}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::PollingComponent
uint32_t update_interval_
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::Component
uint32_t component_state_ {0x0000}
 State of this component. More...
float setup_priority_override_ {NAN}
const char * component_source_ {nullptr}
- Protected Attributes inherited from esphome::spi::SPIClient
SPIBitOrder bit_order_ {BIT_ORDER_MSB_FIRST}
SPIMode mode_ {MODE0}
uint32_t data_rate_ {1000000}
SPIComponentparent_ {nullptr}
GPIOPincs_ {nullptr}
SPIDelegatedelegate_ {nullptr}

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file bmp3xx_spi.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: